Graphic Design Ads Created by Michael Martin
Nordica/Colorado Mountain College-Sidecountry Ad

National Ad Campaign For
Nordica USA/Colorado Mountain College
As Production Manager I:
-Organized and selected shot location
-Sourced photographer for shoot
-Participated as an athlete (yellow jacket)
-Coordinated co-sponsors for gear (Scott, Spyder)
-Generated QR code
-Collaborated on the final magazine version using Adobe CS Suite
Websites Created by Michael Martin USA
Created and designed social media site as part of the partnership between Colorado Mountain College and Nordica
Hell and Back Products are a line of skis and boots designed in-conjunction with Colorado Mountain College students. I created the backbone of the website via Ning and all related graphics for the website, as specified by Nordica.
Click on the screen shot to view site.
Created the First Impressions of Routt County social media site.
First Impressions is an early childhood council serving Routt County, Colorado.
Created a social media site to the originzatzion's specifications and Facebook integration.
Click on the screen shot to view site.